Dance Works Studio- Dance Pictures
Dance Pictures will be on Friday April 11th
at the Dance Shop. Our picture schedule
will go as follows:
3:30- Tiny Tots (Thurs. 3:30 class) 6:30- Jr. Jazz (Wed. 4:15 class)
3:45- Tiny Jazz (Thurs. 5:00 class) 6:45- Dazzlers (Thurs.
4:00 class)bot costumes, jacket
4:00- Beg. Ballet (Thurs. 5:45 class) 7:00- Perf. Jazz (Mon. 5:45 class)
4:15- Jr. Perf. Jazz (Wed. 5:45 class) 7:15- Perf. Clogging (Mon. 6:45
4:30- Diamonds (Thurs. 5:15 class)both costumes & jackets 7:30- Perf. Ballroom (Mon.
7:30 class)
5:00- Sr. Jazz (Wed. 5:00 class) 7:45- Int. Ballroom (Tues. 6:30 class)
5:15- Sr. Hip Hop (Mon. 4:15 class)
5:30- Jr. Hip Hop (Tues. 5:45 class)
5:45- Mini Jazz (Wed. 3:30 class)
6:00- Beg. Ballroom (Tues. 5:00 class)
6:15- Beg. Clogging (Tues. 4:15 class)
Please come to the dance shop for your
pictures at your scheduled time, dressed in your full costume including shoes.
All dancers will be involved in dance
pictures whether you will be buying pictures or not. We want all dancers to be in their class
I will send home picture forms a few weeks
before pictures. Prices will be about
the same as other years. Right around
$10 for an individual and a group picture.
Please bring your picture form, filled out, with you to your pictures. You will need to pay for your pictures at the
time they are taken.
Please be on time for your pictures, so
that we can stay on schedule.
Please let me know if you have any
questions. We are looking forward to an
awesome recital this year. Thanks for
all your hard work dancers, and thanks for your support parents!