2013-2014 Tentative Class Schedule

This is a tentative schedule and is subject to change depending on class sizes.  If there is a class you want to take but the time doesn't work, we can try to find another one that will.
3:30-4:15 Int. Clogging
4:15-5:00  Sr. Hip Hop
5:00-5:45  Technique/Tumbling (high school)
5:45-6:45  Performance Jazz
6:45-7:30  Performance Clogging
7:30-8:15  Performance Ballroom

4:15-5:00  Beg. Clogging
5:00-5:45 Beg. Ballroom
5:45-6:30  Jr. Hip Hop
6:30-7:15  Int. Ballroom
Dance Studio                                                                    Tumbling Room
2:45-3:30  Technique (Mini Jazz & Jr. Jazz)             
3:30-4:15 Mini Jazz (1st grade)                                     3:30  Jr. Jazz Tumbling
4:15-5:00 Jr. Jazz (2nd & 3rd)                              4:15  Mini Jazz Tumbling
5:00-5:45 Sr. Jazz (4th, 5th, & 6th)                      5:00 Jr. Perf. Tumbling
5:45-6;30 Jr. Performance Jazz (7th & 8th)       5:45  Sr. Jazz Tumbling
6:30-7:15  Technique (Sr. Jazz & Jr. Perf. Jazz)

Dance Studio                                          Drill Team Room-Competition Teams
3:30-4:15 Tiny Tots                             
4:15-5:00 Tiny Tumbling                    4:00-5:15  Dazzlers (3,4,5 grades)  
5:00-5:45  Tiny Jazz                            5:15-6:45   Diamonds (6,7,8 grades)
5:45-6:30  Beg. Ballet
6:30-7:15  Adults (non-performing)